Download offers for our steel solutions

Here, you will find product-related information about the respective materials in the form of brochures, data sheet collections, or material diagrams. Selected technical reports complete the offering. Download the corresponding PDF conveniently and quickly to your device.

Hot Steel blurred


Here you will find all brochures about our engineering steels, stainless steels, tool steels, and from the field of additive manufacturing.

Stabstahl dynamik abstrakt

Data sheets

Here you will find all data sheets for our engineering steels, stainless steels, tool steels and from the field of additive manufacturing.

Engineering steels

Stainless steels

Tool steels

Fluessigstahl makroaufnahme schmelze

Material diagrams

Here you will find all material charts for our specialty engineering steels, stainless steels, tool steels, and from the field of additive manufacturing.

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