
Ugitech SA

Produces and sells a wide range of stainless steel long products. Stainless steel bars, wire-rods, drawn wires and rebar are part of Ugitech’s offering. Equipped with a melting shop, rolling mills, finishing shops and wire drawing plants.

Stainless steels: a guarantee for the future

With the capability to produce intricate parts and assemblies at a favorable price-to-quality ratio, stainless steel is becoming increasingly favored among industrial firms and consumers alike. Its corrosion resistance, thermal and mechanical properties, and chemical resilience make it ideal for various applications, including food processing and medical fields. Additionally, its timeless aesthetic appeal makes it a favorite among architects and designers for enhancing building aesthetics and public spaces.

Gender Equality Index

Index 2024: 88 points / 100

The Ugitech professional gender equality index rose by 2 points in 2024, reaching the national average. This result reflects our ongoing commitment to equal pay and the promotion of diversity within our teams, a commitment formalized through a majority company agreement.While our objective is to maintain the consistently good results obtained in terms of the percentage of female employees receiving a raise upon returning from maternity leave, the pay gap, the individual raise gap and the promotion gap, we need to ensure a balanced representation of women and men at all levels of the company over time:

Representation of women and men among senior managers - 2024:

Of the two senior managers at Ugitech, 2 are men

Representation of women and men in management bodies - 2024:

Of the 6 members of the Ugitech Management Committee, 1 member is a woman (17%) and 5 members are men

Of the 13 members of the operational management committee, 3 members are women (23%) and 10 members are men.

Points obtained:

  • Pay gap (in %): 38
  • Gaps in individual increases (in % points): 20
  • Gaps in promotions (in % points): 15
  • Percentage of female employees receiving a pay rise after returning from maternity leave (%): 15
  • Number of employees of the under-represented gender among the 10 highest earners: 0


Total number of calculable indicators: 88

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Extra Financial Performance Statement

Discover our Extra Financial Performance Statement, providing insights into our CSR policy, risk management, eco-responsibility, social development, and quality of life at work. We are committed to sustainability, ethical practices, and social responsibility, aiming to make a positive impact on the community and the environment. Download the 2023 Report - Ugitech Europe Link opens in a new tab. here.

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Keep track of all your Ugitech orders, documents, and inquiries:

  • Orders: Track the status of your orders with Ugitech.
  • Documents: Access all documents associated with your Ugitech orders.
  • Inquiries: Submit inquiries directly to Ugitech sales representatives.

Contact us, if you would like to become a registered user.

Discover eServices Link opens in a new tab.

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Ugitech Italia Link opens in a new tab.

Main activity : cold transformation

Ugitech TFA Link opens in a new tab.

Main activity : spring wire and welding wire

Sprint Metal Link opens in a new tab. (Sprint Metal Edelstahlziehereien)

Main activity : fine and ultra fine wires


Certifications and attestations

Legal documents

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