Commitment to the environment and climate

At Swiss Steel Group, we place great emphasis on environmental protection, climate conservation, and energy efficiency in all areas of our business. We develop solutions to sustainably meet the growing demand for goods and services – from the supply chain and internal processes to our customers.

Idyllische Ansicht eines kristallklarem Bergsee vor dem Panorama schneebedeckter Berge, reflektiert unter einem blauen Wolkenhimmel, betont die Bedeutung des Klimaschutzes in einem nachhaltigem unternehmen.
Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Sustainable production approach

We pursue a comprehensive approach to making our production processes sustainable. This includes reducing waste and emissions, as well as optimizing resource management, energy efficiency, and water consumption.

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Environmental and energy management systems

The implementation of environmental and energy management systems in accordance with ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 at production sites underscores the commitment of Swiss Steel Group to adhere to internationally recognized environmental and energy requirements.

Recycling and circular economy

Our focus on scrap-based steel production and electric arc furnaces demonstrates our strong commitment to recycling and the circular economy. This not only conserves natural resources but also reduces energy consumption and minimizes environmental impacts compared to traditional steel production.

Responsible corporate management

Energy management and efficiency

Due to the nature of our industry, we consume significant amounts of electrical energy and natural gas. Their careful use and reuse in our operations is not just a commitment to the environment but also a prerequisite for our competitiveness. Swiss Steel Group focuses on improving energy efficiency through innovation, investment, continuous improvement, and active employee participation. Waste heat from our rolling mill in Emmenbrücke (Switzerland) and the heat treatment plant in Ugine (France) is fed into the local district heating network, supplying over 1,000 households.


The most significant emissions from the production processes of Swiss Steel Group are carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides (NOx), and dust. Swiss Steel Group continuously reduces NOx emissions through improved production processes and advanced furnace and burner technology. Dust emissions, primarily generated during melting processes, are captured by exhaust systems and filters. Continuous monitoring and evaluation of emission levels are conducted to ensure that we stay within or below all legally prescribed emission limits.

Maximizing the recycling of by-products and waste

We maximize the recycling of residues and waste generated during production and processing, either for internal purposes or as secondary raw materials in other industries. Where technically feasible and allowed by local legislation, our slag, for example, is used in road construction, metals are recovered from dust, and refractory materials are returned to the manufacturers.

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