Steel for agriculture

In the world of yellow goods, which includes construction machinery, agricultural equipment and other robust work machines, steel plays a decisive role in ensuring maximum performance and reliability.

Moderne Landwirtschaftsmaschinen mit robustem Baustahl bei der Ernte und dem Transport von Weizen in einem weitläufigen Feld unter blauem Himmel.

Steel solutions for durable machines

Steel is indispensable in the manufacture of robust and durable construction machinery, agricultural equipment and other yellow goods. This requires steels that are both highly resistant to heavy wear and tear and can withstand heavy impact stresses in order to meet the demanding requirements of the construction and agricultural industries.

Gelber Bagger gelbgüter hinter Stapel von Stahlrohren auf Industriegelände

Steel applications

Examples of the use of structural steels in this branch of industry can often be found in demolition hammers and their mountings (hydraulic bodies, e.g. made of quenched and tempered steels or micro-alloyed steel grades) or in the use of high-manganese steels for excavator bucket teeth.

Our chain steels are also frequently used for hoists, crawlers, excavators and other tracked vehicles equipped with quenched and tempered steels.

Hydraulic elements

Hydraulic elements are exposed to high loads because, as precision parts, they have to fulfil their purpose reliably and safely for many years. As a supplier of speciality steel, Swiss Steel Group sets standards for high and higher quality steels in global competition.

Our customers can rely on the performance of our special steel for every area of application. In addition to high strength, our steel has excellent machining behaviour and a dimensionally accurate, smooth surface for reliable use in hydraulic technology.

We attach great importance to the highest quality as well as cost-effectiveness, rational production and favourable part costs. This is our claim for both simple components and sensitive applications. Swiss Steel Group offers customised and high-quality products to meet the increased performance and quality requirements of hydraulics and pneumatics by consistently focusing on special steel. Together with our customers, we find customised solutions for hydraulic elements that can withstand exactly any required and exceptional load.

Discover the right products and solutions

Green steel key visual nachhaltiger stahl

Climate-neutral steel production

With our Green Steel, we are taking an important step towards climate-neutral steel production. Scrap steel is used as the main raw material and the steel is produced using the electric steel process with energy sources with a low CO2 content. This results in a CO2 footprint well below the industry average.

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