The consultation process, initiated in mid-November 2024 (refer to the media release dated November 15, 2024), was conducted transparently and in close cooperation with the employee committee, the social partners, and the relevant authorities. The objective was to explore all possible options to address the company’s economic challenges and secure a sustainable future for the site.
According to the announcement of November 15, 2024, 130 positions are to be reduced at the Emmenbrücke plant in Switzerland. Originally, this would have required the termination of approximately 80 employees. Through constructive dialogue with the employee committee and social partners, this number has been reduced. Measures such as leveraging natural attrition and adjustments to organizational structures contributed to reducing the number of redundancies to a maximum of 50 employees. The existing social plan will apply.
Regardless of the above, the political decision enabling a temporary reduction in grid charges for the steel and aluminum industries was discussed during the consultation process. As previously communicated, Swiss Steel Group and Steeltec appreciate the Swiss National Council's commitment to the steel and aluminum industries in Switzerland and take note of its decision based on the currently available information. However, it is too early for a conclusive assessment.
The personnel measures will be implemented in the first quarter of 2025. The company is confident that these measures will strengthen the Emmenbrücke site in the long term and enable it to achieve its targeted goals.