Xtreme Performance Technology - XTP®

If you want to face extreme challenges, you need the indomitable will and inner strength of a samurai. While XTP®-treated steel looks like conventional steel on the outside, its excellence is hidden on the inside: The ultra-fine-grained steel structure offers an unrivalled level of resistance. For a universe of new possibilities in the design and construction of components.

Samurai mit stabstahl quer xtp

Xtreme toughness

Increased cold toughness down to -101°C

Xtreme strength

Increased tensile strength up to 1800 MPa

Xtreme robustness

Increase in dynamic load capacity by at least 10 %

Mikrostruktur Schnittbilder XTP Stahl

The XTP® technology

Xtreme Performance Technology sounds like the future. Thanks to the consistent further development of thermomechanical process control, almost any conventionally produced standard steel can be treated and significantly improved. Heat and force are used to create an ultra-fine microstructure that exposes properties in the material that can otherwise only be achieved through higher alloy contents or complex and cost-intensive additional operations.

In short: energy + force = ultra-fine-grained steel

Samurai mit stabstahl xtp staerke

The properties of XTP®

The adjustment of an ultra-fine-grained steel structure improves the actually opposing properties of "high strength" and "excellent toughness" of standard materials. The result is an ultra-fine-grained steel that emerges victorious in any test of strength.

Properties after application of XTP® Technology:

  • at least 10 per cent higher dynamic load-bearing capacity 
  • extreme improvement in toughness 
  • significantly improved isotropy 
  • high strength maximum resistance to crack propagation
Stabstahl dynamik abstrakt

The application areas of XTP®

XTP®-treated steel opens up completely new possibilities for the following industries and areas of application:

  • Spring industry
  • Hydraulics industry
  • Fastening technology
  • Refrigeration technology
  • Lifting equipment & slings
  • Cableway technology
  • Wind industry
  • Railway industry
  • Agriculture and forestry
  • Oil and gas extraction
  • And many more

The benefits of XTP®

Slimmer, lighter, more efficient: Steel treated with XTP® Technology allows users to build completely new, high-performance steel solutions for dynamic loads and technology life cycles.

This not only means more flexibility in design, but also greater freedom in construction - thanks to XTP® Technology, existing components become more resistant or can be redimensioned without any loss of strength.

Even difficult challenges, such as strong vibration, high internal pressure or extreme cold, find their true opponent in XTP® steel. Even at the lowest temperatures of -101°C, at which conventionally produced standard steel fails, the technologically optimised steel grades exhibit notch impact forces of well over 27 joules. Treatment with XTP® Technology also guarantees maximum resistance to crack propagation. For maximum endurance and the greatest possible safety.

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