Company information

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Company profile Swiss Steel Group

About us

Swiss Steel Group is today one of the world's leading providers of individual solutions in the special long steel products sector. The Group is one of the leading manufacturers of tool steel and non-corrosive long steel on the global market and one of the largest companies in Europe for alloyed and high-alloyed quality and engineering steels. With close to 7,500 employees and its own production and distribution companies in more than 25 countries on 5 continents, the company guarantees global support and supply for its customers and offers them a complete portfolio of production and sales & services around the world. Customers benefit from the company's technological expertise, consistently high product quality around the world as well as detailed knowledge of local markets.

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The leadership team that guides our group combines years of experience and innovative approaches to ensure the long-term success and sustainable development of the company. They are committed to the highest standards of corporate governance with the aim of advancing the company and creating value for all stakeholders.

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