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Swiss Steel France

Welcome to the world of Swiss Steel Group, your local partner for the supply of special steels and related services.

Gender Equality Index

Points obtained

  • Pay gap (in %): not calculable
  • Individual pay rise differences (in % points): 35
  • Percentage of female employees receiving a pay rise on returning from maternity leave (in %): not calculable
  • Number of employees of the under-represented gender among the 10 highest earners: 0

Total number of calculable indicators: 35 out of 45

Swiss Steel France

Swiss Steel France was established in Chambly in 2000 and merged with Ugitech (Cluses, Rouen, Grigny) Steeltec FIC (Cluses) and Ardenacier (Charleville Mézières) in 2015.Swiss Steel France supports its customers as a reliable local partner, providing a wide range of stainless steel, tool steel, engineering steel and bright steel products from our own group mills.

  • Cut to length
  • Just-in-time delivery
  • Technical support


The group operates in France with 6 different locations to strengthen local customer service and make it easier for their partners to quickly implement innovative projects at high level of quality: 

  • Cluses: Headquarters, sales office and warehouse
  • Pechbonnieu: Sales office and warehouse
  • Saint-Romain-en-Gier: Sales office and warehouse
  • Rouen: Sales office

Swiss Steel France - Cluses

Located in the heart of the Arve valley, renown for the numerous machining shops, our facility in Cluses has been formed in 2015 with the merger the historical Ugitech and Steeltec FIC warehouses & sales offices.Today, this facility is focused on providing a full range of high machinability stainless steel and engineering steel products to the most demanding sectors in the area: automotive, medical and aerospace.Thanks to our warehouse, most of our mill’s grades are available on stock with a large range of diameters and dimensions. At Cluses, we also provide steel related services such as: just-in-time deliveries and technical support.Our local team is available to cooperate with its customers to find the best steel solution meeting the requirements of specific applications.

Swiss Steel Group Pechbonnieu (Toulouse)

Located near Toulouse, our Pechbonnieu facility has been established in 2009 but the facility started operating on the market in 1987 with Polymet company.The major activity of this branch is to supply customers with a wide range of tool steels and special steels dedicated to the aerospace industry: stainless steel, engineering steels, aluminum, nickel base, and copper alloyed.Thanks to our warehouse, we also provide steel related services such as: cut to length, just-in-time deliveries and technical support.In Pechbonnieu, our local team is available to cooperate with its customers to find the best steel solution meeting the requirements of specific applications.

Swiss Steel France – Saint-Romain-en-Gier

Located near Lyon, our sales office and our warehouse have just joined Swiss Steel France.

This site was created at the end of 2019, bringing together the sales agency initially located in Grigny and the existing warehouse in Chambly.

This location is an undeniable asset with easy access to the main roads of the Lyon area.

The 4000 m2 surface area available in the warehouse as well as the adapted equipment allow us to meet the needs of our customers and to consider potential developments.

Saint-Romain sales agency focuses, in addition to the distribution of stainless steels, on more specific demands of the following markets: automotive, aeronautics, oil & gas, medical and nuclear.

Our team is available to cooperate with our customers to find the best solution to meet the most specific demands.

Swiss Steel France – Mont-Saint-Aignan (Rouen)

Located close to Rouen, our sales office in Mont-Saint-Aignan was established in 1970.The major activity of this branch is to supply customers with a wide range of stainless steel long products from our group mill Ugitech. Thus we can also provide other special steel products such as tool steels and engineering steels from DEW, Steeltec, Swiss Steel, Finkl Steel.Our sales office in Rouen operates the sales and the distribution on the northern part of France, Belgium and Luxembourg for the following market applications: automobile, aerospace, oil & gas and food industry.In Rouen, our local team is available to cooperate with its customers to findthe best steel solution meeting the requirements of specific applications.


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